
Scranton Construction Accident Lawyer

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Construction jobs are one of the most dangerous fields of work, and if you are employed in one and got into an accident, our Scranton construction accident lawyer will be ready to provide you with legal aid as needed. Workers are often subjected to heavy work, from lifting heavy loads, walking on or under scaffolding, and even using dangerous and heavy equipment. Not only that, but they are constantly exposed to the elements which can lead to heatstroke, dehydration, and even frostbite, just to name a few. Although this is the kind of environment that you will be working in, it is your right to be provided with safety measures to reduce the risk of getting into an accident. If you got into an accident at your workplace due to the negligence of someone else, you can talk to our Scranton construction accident attorney to get a better idea on what your claims are.

Civil Lawsuit Options

Businesses in Pennsylvania have workers’ compensation in place, but the amount of compensation may not be enough to cover the expenses incurred due to the severity of your injuries hence the need for a Scranton construction accident lawyer at your side. Our Scranton construction accident attorney can help prove that there was negligence on the employer’s side which can be grounds for a civil lawsuit. Hiring our construction accident lawyer in Scranton PA can help you get the correct compensation using their skills and knowledge of the system.

If you need a construction accident attorney in Scranton PA, your best bet is to hire our expert Scranton construction accident lawyer right from the start. Our years of training, acquired knowledge and skills, have put us in the right spot to help construction workers get the correct compensation based on the injuries sustained.

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